Health Research Symposium 2024

Professor Moulay Akhloufi to Hold Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence in Health at Université de Moncton

September 19, 2024

The Université de Moncton is proud to announce the appointment of Professor Moulay Akhloufi as the Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence in Health.

Funded with $500,000 from the Technology Venture Corporation and $500,000 from ResearchNB, this Chair will focus on innovative interdisciplinary topics and aims to strengthen synergies between the various players in the health sector, including internal and external research units such as the Atlantic Cancer Research Institute (ACRI), the New Brunswick Centre for Precision Medicine, the New Brunswick Health Networks, as well as various hospitals and health research centres in the region and across Canada.

“The artificial intelligence research conducted by my team will address key health care issues such as AI-assisted diagnosis, medical imaging, personalized treatment prediction, remote patient monitoring and clinical decision support systems. These topics are perfectly aligned with those of the Chair, which I believe will strengthen our current and future collaborations with hospitals and research centres for the benefit of the scientific community and patients alike,” said Chairholder Professor Moulay Akhloufi.

Professor Akhloufi’s appointment as Research Chair was announced at the opening ceremony of the second edition of the New Brunswick MedTech Summit, a first-of-its-kind summit in the field of integrative health and technology that brings together researchers, health care professionals and industry leaders, all driven by the desire to improve health care in New Brunswick through collaboration, the exchange of ideas and innovation.

The New Brunswick MedTech Summit is co-hosted by the Université de Moncton, the McKenna Institute, ResearchNB and Venn Innovation.

Biography of Professor Moulay Akhloufi

Professor Moulay Akhloufi holds a doctorate in electrical engineering from Université Laval and a master’s degree in electrical engineering from École Polytechnique de Montréal. He also holds an MBA from Université Laval.

Akhloufi is currently Professor of Computer Science at the Université de Moncton, where he directs the Perception, Robotics and Intelligence Machines (PRIME) laboratory and the NB Power Artificial Intelligence Centre. He is also co-director of the Groupe de recherche en application de l’intelligence artificielle à la médecine de précision en oncologie (AIMPRO). Prior to joining the University of Moncton in 2016, he gained extensive experience in industry and technology transfer in the fields of computer vision and robotics.

His research expertise includes artificial intelligence, computer vision, and intelligent robotic systems, with over 200 publications.


Additional information:  L’Université de Moncton reçoit un appui majeur pour la recherche en intelligence artificielle en santé – News from February 28, 2024

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