Clinical Trials Day 2022

August 9, 2022


Clinical Trials Day 2022 is an opportunity for health sector stakeholders to engage and learn about Clinical Trials happening here at home in Atlantic Canada. The day will highlight what it means to patients, clinicians, industry and government to have a strong Clinical Trials ecosystem and what it can mean for access to care and the economy in Atlantic Canada.

This year Atlantic Canadian researchers, clinicians and industry partners are proud to showcase that Atlantic Canada is bolstering our competitive advantage when it comes to Clinical Trials by focusing on a regional approach and building on our unique strengths; Atlantic Canada is working together to put patients first in clinical trials; and Atlantic Canada is creating global opportunities. The Atlantic Clinical Trails Network is putting Atlantic Canada on the international stage.

Join us as we highlight the opportunities to gain new access to care opportunities for Atlantic Canadians while highlighting the economic benefits of focusing efforts on clinical trials.

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